Monday, September 29, 2014

Brain Breaks

We use brain breaks throughout the day to get out our wiggles and to give our brains a break from thinking so hard.  The activity varies from day to day.  Here is a short clip from one of our Zumba sessions!

It's Pumpkin Time!

We are all about pumpkins this week and last!  We have been reading several books about pumpkins and learning about the pumpkin life cycle too.  Last week was all about learning about the pumpkin and how it grows.  This week, we are using those facts to share with others.

In class, we have officially talked about every letter of the alphabet and learned about the correct sounds that the letters make.  We are now using that knowledge to start trying to spell simple words.  A great thing you can practice at home is how to spell consonant vowel consonant words (for example, cat, pin, ham, etc.)  See if your child can do that with you orally.  If it is a struggle, it is okay!  We have just started encouraging that in the classroom.  :)  The next step after this is to try and write them down as we say them and finger spell them too.  Have your child show you how to finger spell a word just like we do during our OG time in class.  Everyone does a great job with this and I am starting to see it carry over to their writing.

Speaking of writing, we have started our writing workshop in the classroom.  This is a time where we talk about writing as a whole group, the children break out into groups to write on their own or with an adult, and at the end of our workshop, we share some of the work that was completed during this time.  At the end of every month I will be sending home the children's writing from this time.  Tomorrow is the first time this will happen.  Some helpful things to look for when going through these are:  does my child have a story for just about each day (sometimes a story can carry over a day), is there a complete thought on the paper, does the picture match what the words are saying, is the picture detailed (at least five kindergarten colors and a detailed drawing.)  The past couple of weeks we have been working on adding spaces in between our words as our classroom learning target.  This is something that will continue all year long.  :)  Tomorrow we are going to move on to using a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and lower case letters in the middle of a sentence unless it is a special word.  If you do not see this in your child's writing, I am not concerned at this point in the school year.  I just like to give you an idea of what we have been talking about this month and give you ideas of what you could encourage your child to do at home with writing as well.

We are moving right along with math in class too!  Today I sent home a paper that was double sided and we call them home links.  The purpose of these pages is to help inform you about what we are learning about in the classroom and to provide extra opportunities to practice math at home.  If a paper asks your child to return them to me, you do not have to do that.  I will also be sending home four books that contain all of these as well.  They come with our math adoption and you can keep them at home for your reference.  Last week we talked about finding patterns all around us, practiced using  teen numbers, and practiced using positional words (over, under, next to, etc.)  This week we are introducing coin names, practicing teen numbers again, practicing writing numbers, and creating a number grid.

Wow!  This was a lot longer than I wanted and I am sorry about that!  There are a lot of new things happening in the classroom that I wanted to share with you.  I have also posted a couple of pictures of the kids doing daily 5 activities in the classroom.  Have a great week!

Daily 5 Activities

 One activity is going on a word hunt around the classroom and finding words that begin with our focus letter of the week.
 Listening to the ipod is a favorite station.  The books change each week and the children fill out a response sheet when they are done listening to their book.
 Read to self is another station.  Each child gets to read a book by themselves and they can even sit in the rocking chair!  It is a favorite spot for the kids.
 After they read their book, there is a response sheet that they will fill out for me to see what book they picked to read.
 We have talked about how you can read a book by looking at the pictures or looking at the words in the classroom.
Working on creating stories is another popular station choice.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Safety Presentation

Yesterday our school resource officer, Officer Schoeff visited CE to introduce himself and to talk to the kids about how to stay safe in different situations. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

New district testing for students

Below is some information from Ms. Inskeep about a change in how our district is going to conduct academic testing:

·          NWEA stands for Northwest Evaluation Association (
·         The actual assessments are called MAP (grades 3-5) and MPG (grades K-2)
o   MAP means “Measures of Academic Progress”
o   MAP is 3 tests, approximately 50 minutes each.
§  Reading, math, language usage
o   MPG (MAP for Primary Grades) is 2 tests, anywhere from 25-50 minutes depending on student
§  Reading and math
o   Tests are adaptive, meaning that they are individualized for each student.
o   Tests find instructional level, not mastery.  They will tell us specifically what kids are ready to learn.

This link takes parents to a “Parent Toolkit” on the NWEA website.  The toolkit is a PDF file with information and FAQs.

This widget is live on the parent myCCS page.  It is in the upper left hand corner and provides links to practice tests that parents and kids can take, as well as some games that are focused on using the mouse. 

Letter, sound, and word work

You may have noticed these papers coming home. We are working so hard on letters, sounds, and making words in class each day. The triangle line is the letters and sounds that we are working on recognizing. The square line has the words that we are working on. I have the kids try to read the words and circle or mark the words in a certain way. The heart line has the letter of the day and the sight word that we are learning too. 

Apple Tasting

Everyone tasted three kinds of apples today. It was fun hearing what kind was everyone's favorite!

Homecoming Parade Pictures

Homecoming Parade Fun

We enjoyed the parade with our 5th Grade Book Buddies in Mrs. Leffer's Class.  We will be meeting with them once a month to read books together and do other fun projects.

100 Book Club


More Homecoming

Monday, September 8, 2014

Math Stations

We started math stations today. Have your child tell you all about it!  The kids did a great job. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday Fun Facts!

It was quick, but we had fun this week.  Everyone is working hard at trying to move their clip up. Starting next week, the kids will be bringing home a daily sheet about where their clip ended each day.  You can keep it in your child's folder and on Friday, you can take it out.  I will put a new page in each child's folder every Monday.

You may or may not have heard your child come home and talk about our "big news" of the day.  We start every day out by letting everyone share some big news that they may have.  If it is a day where a child does not want to share they can always pass.  Items to share can be anything.  I have heard about fun trips that have happened, dinner plans from the previous night, play dates, etc.  The sky's the limit with our big news.  It is always a fun time to learn a little about everyone as the year goes along. :)

We have been focusing a lot on the beginning kindergarten skills this week at centers.  The kids have been practicing their number writing and recognition skills at the red center (math center) by using a number line and filling in the missing numbers.  The yellow table (writing center) has been working on making a complete sentence about their favorite apple.  The purple (language arts) table has been working on letter formation skills.  The pink table (science, social studies, creative) has been very popular this week.  We have iPod shuffles that we use during daily 5 time to listen to books and respond to a story.  This week, I have introduced the iPod shuffles to the children and they have practiced using them to listen to a story.

Finally, on Thursday, we had our first convocation.  It was a lot of fun.  The topic was about bullying and learning about being kind to people and respecting everyone's talents.

I have also added some new pictures under the photo tab. Have a great weekend!

Centers this week in class

Center Time

Math sorting fun!