Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Sort of Friday!

Happy almost Friday!  We have had a lot of fun today in class.  Last week, we were nominated as the class of the week.  Part of that nomination includes an extra recess.  The weather was so nice outside today that we took our extra recess and enjoyed extra play time!  We watched the movie Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs in class today for our leadership reward.  We also had some time to write about each person's favorite part of the video.  For some of the children this is a scary step in our classroom.  I keep reassuring them that they can do this by themselves.  I know this can be a scary step for some.  If you see that your child struggles with this confidence step and is always asking you "how do you spell ....?" My stock answer I give in the classroom is "you try it first, and then we can look at it and talk about it when you are done."  Another great confidence booster is to continue to practice the sight word recognition skills in the leadership binder each night.  You will find as your child masters more words, they become more confident writers and readers!

I have had some questions regarding the 100 book club.  We are trying to achieve 100% class participation this school year.  Right now, we are at 65% participation.  This is a great activity that can help encourage reading at home.  If you read a book or if your child reads a book, that will count!  Please consider filling out your child's book club packet if you haven't already.  If you have misplaced yours and would like another, no problem!  Just send me an email and I will get you another copy.  :)

With the snowy weather creeping in upon us, I wanted to remind you that we do go outside everyday as long as the windchill is above 20 degrees.  Please send your child to school with appropriate outside clothing each day of school.  If there is snow on the ground, we ask that you send in a change of boots for your child in order for them to go play on the snow covered section of our playground. Thanks for your help with this!

Have a happy and restful Thanksgiving Break!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekly Facts

Happy Monday!  It has been a great start to the week!  I hope everyone got outside this weekend and enjoyed the weather.  We had a wonderful week last week in class.  We are starting our Thanksgiving unit.  The class is starting to learn about the Pilgrims and Native Americans and their way of life.  Today in class, we read a book about what it would be like to be a Pilgrim girl.  We learned about the style of clothing they wore, what types of chores a girl had to do, and what types of food was eaten back then.

We are carrying this topic over to our writing workshop time as well.  This week and last we have been focusing in on making sure our stories have details in them.  The class has really enjoyed being "bumped" up and challenged to write a story with at least two sentences, if not more.  We will continue to learn about the Pilgrims and Native Americans the rest of this week and next week as well.

Thank you so much for sending in the leadership binders.  The children were so proud of their many accomplishments!  Please continue to work with the sight words at home each night.  It is really starting to boost the confidence of everyone in the classroom and the kids are so proud of their hard work.  It is starting to show in their writing as well.  Thank you for your work on practicing the sight words each night to help us achieve our goals!

In the classroom I have been really starting to push the children to apply what we have learned in the school year so far.  Some great things you can do at home to work on this would be: practice blending unknown words together.  Start with three letter words (ham, top, pet, etc.) and then move on to more difficult words (stop, thin, chat, etc.); challenge your child to try and write in a journal and create stories with sentences using the words they know; read a book to you or read parts of a book to you; practice number writing and recognition skills; or see how high your child can count for you going forward and backwards.  These are all things that we have been doing in the classroom during these past few weeks of school.

We had a great Veteran's Day celebration at school last week!  The class did a great job in our convocation and hopefully enjoyed hearing from the veteran's that were able to visit and the songs the choir sang.

Hope you have a great week!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wants vs. Needs Lesson

On Wednesday, we were visited by some high school students. They were teaching us a lesson on what a want is versus a need. It was a lot of fun listening in to the conversations about whether or not a Barbie doll, piece of candy, or a bed, for example, was a want or a need. My favorite quote from this lesson was "a toy is definitely a need because my mom says you can live without toys and survive!" :)