Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Gingerbread Field Trip

Gingerbread All Around

We are diving in to gingerbread these past two weeks at school.  We have read several different versions of the story in class and we are comparing each one as we go.  Everyone has been having a good time predicting the ending to each new story.  As the class is finding out, they aren't always the same.

We had a great time visiting Conner Prairie last week.  We were on the hunt to find the gingerbread man!  We started out at the Conner House and listened to a version of the story.  Then, we moved to the kitchen in the house and met a woman making gingerbread cookies and when she was ready to pull it out of the oven, it ran away.  We looked in the barn and even followed "foot steps" back to the main building where we found the gingerbread man waiting for us.  We finished up by decorating a cookie and enjoying a glass of milk.  This is always one of the favorite field trips we take each year!

During our writing block, we are learning about informative stories (stories that contain facts for the reader).  We wrote about our field trip and included the facts of what happened.  It was really hard for the children not to put how much fun it was in their writing.  We are also working on using the words first, then, next, and last in our stories.  To help with using these words, we have been working on a special gingerbread story this week at centers.  We are pretending to be a gingerbread cookie and each child is creating an escape plan of their own.  It has been great seeing all of the creativity with these stories!

Next week we are going to start switching out books in each child's book bags that were handed out during our conference time.  If you would make sure that they are in your child's backpack in the next few days, I will grab them and refresh the books so you will have new books to work on over Winter Break.

Have a great week!

100 Book Club
