Monday, December 5, 2016

Gingerbread Field Trip

Our Gingerbread field trip was so much fun!  We started out hearing a retelling of the classic gingerbread man story and then we went on our own hunt around Conner Prairie in search of the Gingerbread Man.  We ended our trip by decorating our own cookie and having some milk too!  

Weekly Facts

Wow! These past two weeks have flown by!  We are having so much fun learning about the Gingerbread Man in class.  So far we have read five different versions of the story.  Today, we even read about a Gingerbread Girl.  After each story, we have been comparing the different story elements in each book.  We talk about the characters, the setting, the cookie's refrain, and what happens at the end of the story.  Each day we are reading a different adventure to compare and contrast.  Ask your child what their favorite is so far.

During our writing block, we are working on adding a great beginning to each story.  We want a reader to understand what our topic is about before just diving in to details.  Today in class, we worked on how to find a beginning sentence in a story and what a beginning sentence would look like. 

Last Friday we met with our Fifth Grade reading buddies to share some books.  It has been wonderful to see so many of the children in Kindergarten reading books to their buddy instead of just the Fifth grader reading.  This Friday, we will be meeting again to make gingerbread houses.  Thank you to all that have sent in donations.  We are still in need of frosting.  We go through a lot of this for our "glue".

Our can drive is off and running!  We are up to 141!  Thank you so much to everyone that has brought in some can goods.  Our hallways are filling up and the kids are so excited to see the amount of cans when we are out and about.  We will be collecting cans through December 15th.

Our room parent has sent home a paper about signing up for volunteering for our Winter Party.  This is a great time for everyone. Anyone is welcome to attend.  Please see that paper for more information.

Finally, our Body Safety date has to be changed again due to a conflict with the company that is running the program.  Our new date is going to be Friday, January 6th.  All opt-out slips are still due by December 15th.  Thanks so much!

Have a great week!