Sunday, December 13, 2015

Gingerbread Men

We are "baking up" gingerbread men in class this week. Thank you so much for all of the supplies for our houses. We will be making them on Friday with our 5th Grade Buddies. We have also been reading several different versions of the gingerbread man story in class. We have been comparing and contrasting the stories as we go. So far this is what we have read:

Gingerbread Houses

We all had a great time building our houses on Friday. Instead of sending them home right away we are going to let the frosting set up and then send them on Monday. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Facts...

We are on countdown mode in here!  :)  I have a big bunch of children that are very excited about gingerbread houses, our Winter party, and Winter Break!  I can't say that I blame them for that excitement.  We have a lot of great activities that are planned for the next few days of school.  The first exciting news is that we earned our first leadership reward today!  The children have been trying to earn leadership tickets for displaying the 7 Habits around the school.  We have meet our first goal of required tickets on Thursday so we had a guest reader come into our classroom to read a story.  Miss Fernkas was our reader and she shared a book about snowmen.  We have also earned our second reward today so on Monday it is Pajama Day at school for Kindergarten.  We are hoping to keep earning tickets to earn an extra recess and participate in our all school Bingo game on Thursday.

Earlier this week, I sent out an email from our Lead Room Parent about our Winter Party on Friday.  Thank you so much to those that are able to come and help out.  If your schedule opens up and you are able to attend, we would love to have you!  This is an exciting day at CE and we love to share it with our parents.

We decorated gingerbread houses with our 5th Grade Buddies today.  It was a hit!  Everyone had such a good time.  I did let the children know that they should not eat the candy on the houses.  Some of it is old from several years ago.  I hope you enjoy them at home as much as we have at school.

I will be doing a binder check on Monday, December 14th.  Please send those in so I can return them to you in order to have them back for Winter Break.  Report cards will be sent home during the beginning of January and I am excited to share all of the growth I have seen from the children with you then!  Over break, please feel free to work on the third set of words that are labeled March if you are looking for something to work on.  For those children that have a good majority of words mastered, feel free to have your child sit down and write a story for you.  This is a great activity to do over break to keep learning and to help your child practice their sight words.  We have been really working hard at writing in class.  We are focusing in on making sure a story has a "who", "what", and "where" included in a piece. We are also working to include several details about a single topic in each story.  At this point in the school year, I am looking for most children to be able to write at least three sentences for each story.  If a child can do more, that is fantastic!

Next week, we will also be switching up the books in the children's book bags.  Please make sure they have them in their backpacks so we can give you a new set of books to use over Winter Break.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Next week will be full of fun surprises!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Jump with Jill

We had a great convocation yesterday where we learned about the importance of eating healthy and taking care of our bodies!

Deck the Halls with Can Foods....

It's that time of year at CE!  We have our annual can food drive underway.  This is an exciting activity for everyone and a chance to help a local food bank as well.  We are collecting non perishable food items until December 17th.  Our goal this year is for each child to bring in at least 10 cans to donate and line the hallways at CE.  We are trying to get the cans to line every wall in the school this year!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Gingerbread Field Trip

It was a great field trip. I was so impressed with our Carmel Elementary Leaders. Everyone had a great time trying to catch the gingerbread man!


100 Book Club

Congratulations! Keep up the great work!  We are trying to reach 100% participation this year.