Friday, August 28, 2015

Leadership Convo Kick off

What kind of leader do you want to be?  This week we focused in on Habit #2 Begin with the End in Mind.  Next week, we will be looking at Habit #3 Put First Things First.

Shapes All Around

During Math this week, we have been working with pattern blocks.  We had a blast making patterns, making designs, and even stacking them!

Bullying Convo

Having a great time at the Bullying Convocation and learning how to be an Upstander!

Friday Facts!

Happy Friday!  We have had a jam packed week of learning around here.  We have successfully done two centers in a row (this is a hard transition time for the kids normally), we have completed our first week of daily 5 (reading stations), and we have started our first shared reading unit.  In this unit we are learning about what happens at school.  We came up with a great list of ideas and thoughts and made a chart to go along with our discussion.

Friday was"Super Hero Day" at CE!  We had such a great time celebrating this day and had fun acting like a super hero all day long.  We also talked about how a super hero is proactive and keeps the end in mind.  It tied in perfectly today!

A big focus in the classroom this week has been on letter formation.  We have learned some great songs to help us and we continue to practice, practice, practice.  At home, please encourage your child to only write their name with one capital letter and the rest lower case.  We are working on that as well as when to use a capital letter when writing at school.

Another first in the classroom this week has been our OG work.  We have been using picture cards to practice learning the letters of the alphabet the past couple of weeks.  This week, we have added in a response sheet.  This is one of the ways I track each child and their learning in the classroom.  After we have completed a couple of sheets, I will send them home to you to view as well.  Right now, we are working on writing letters only.  Next week, we will start to work on recognizing our first sight words, "a" and  "I".

We have finished off our last number identification lesson on Friday.  The children have learned about the numbers 0-9 and how to correctly form those numbers.  We have also tied in colors with this by having the children learn to recognize color words.  This is a great skill to continue to practice at home.

On Thursday, Mrs. Larkin, our speech pathologist came in to the classroom to do her speech and hearing screenings on the children.  Everyone did a great job!  If  any specific needs were identified, Mrs. Larkin will contact you.  We also had a special convocation on Thursday about Bullying.  The children learned to be "upstanders" and use positive comments and thinking each and every day!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 21, 2015

More Friday News

Today has been a fantastic day!  I was really nervous at the beginning of the day because I was going to start some new routines in the classroom and the entire class really stepped up and did a great job!  We started our Daily 5 rotations today.  These are during our language arts time block and the children worked in small groups with Mrs. Rohan and myself and they also had the chance to work independently at stations.  One of the new favorites was going to the listening station where I have books on an ipod that they get to listen to.

We had our first fire drill today.  We had practiced it before, but it was good for us to see what it would look like and sound like as the entire school went outside for this drill.

Mrs. Douce, our school services coordinator, came in and did a short lesson with the classroom today.  She talked about some emotions and talked about how to handle the emotions that go along with starting kindergarten.  We had a lot of great conversation from this lesson.

We wrapped up our Habit #1 study this week by practicing looking someone in the eye to say hello or goodbye and thank you.  This is a great skill to continue to work on at home and we will continue to practice it at school.  Next week, we will be working on Habit #2 Begin with the End in Mind.

Finally, we have some fun things happening in the cafeteria next week.  On Tuesday, we are going to have a Beach Party at lunch and have some fun.  The cafeteria is going to be offering "fintastic fish sticks" as well as the other listed lunch choices that day.  They will also be offering a popsicle to those that buy a lunch from the cafeteria.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Working hard in the classroom.

Here are some pictures of us working hard these past few days. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Meet the Teacher Night and Friday Facts

Wow!  Meet the Teacher night was a huge success!  Thank you to everyone that attended.  I really enjoyed taking the time to explain what is happening in our classroom to you! I did forget to mention that starting the Tuesday after Labor Day your child will be using a weekly paper to track their clip chart behavior.  This is the only paper that will need to stay in your child's folder each night.  On Friday, you can keep the paper and we will start a new page on Monday of each week.  There is an example of what this page looks like in your green folder from last night.

This week we have continued to learn about the "rules at school", being proactive in our classroom and at home, and wrapped up our shape study by making a cube.  This was a lot of fun and the class has been having a great time learning how to do this.

During our OG block of time, we have focused in on the letters H, F, L, and P.  See if your child can tell you the sounds as well as sky write it in the air when they are at home.  As we are learning more letters, the children are learning more names of their classmates.  We are definitely settling in and feeling more comfortable with the new surroundings.

We have started our first Social Studies unit in class.  We are learning about how to be a good listener and what it looks like to be a good listener.  We have practiced looking someone in the eye when talking and we have practiced having our body ready (not moving) when we are listening in class.  We will continue to practice this next week as well.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Facts...

"Is is time to go home yet?"  I think almost everyone in the classroom has said this to me at some point  today.  J  We have been working so hard on learning new routines and learning new materials as well as learning about the new faces we see in our classroom that I think everyone is ready for the weekend.  We all deserve some time to just relax!

This has been a very busy week in kindergarten.  We are working hard on recognizing names and learning the different kindergarten routines.  I have enjoyed getting to know the many wonderful faces I have in here each day!  You may have heard your child come home talking about Animal Island.  This is a story about five animals that live on an island with letters, only they don't know what letters are.  The class has been really enjoying seeing what is going to happen next in the story.  We have also started learning about letter names, letter sounds, and proper letter formation (starting at the top when writing).  

I am excited for next week as we continue to learn about centers, learn about more letters, and continue to get to know one another!  Next week we will open up the full lunch menu as well. The kids are really excited to have hot lunch as a choice. I. look forward to sharing with you more about our classroom at Meet the Teacher night!  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Back To School

It's that time of year to start thinking about back to school . . .  if you haven't already started!  I'm looking forward to a great year!

Please come to school on Thursday, August 6th at 6:00 p.m. for our kindergarten round-up.  We'll get to meet each other and you'll get to see the classroom and meet your classmates.  How fun!

Don't forget to come to our Ice Cream Social on Monday, August 10th starting at 4 p.m.  You can see me and the classroom again, explore the school, and enjoy some yummy ice cream!

Be ready for school to officially start on Tuesday, August 11th.  What a great year we'll have!