Wednesday, November 26, 2014

100 Book Club

100 Book Club


Veterans Day Program

Here are some pictures from our program yesterday. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing everyone a happy thanksgiving!  We had a lot of fun today wearing our Native American shirts that everyone created.  We also made a bracelet that the children used to retell the story of the first thanksgiving.  At the end of the day, we all earned a Paw Pride Special Activity.  Have your child tell you all about it!  Have a great Thanksgiving Break!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Weekly News

A big thank you to everyone for meeting with me!  It is always fun to share the many accomplishments that I see each day with your children!

Last week, we started talking about Pilgrim and Native Americans.  We have been learning more about the first thanksgiving and more about what life was like if we lived in those times.  It has been fun listening to the conversations of everyone.  One big shock the children had was how there wasn't a car or tv around.  :)

Our writing is moving right along.  We continue to focus on trying to write using a main idea and supporting details.  Next week, we will be taking a break from narrative writing and we will be working on learning how to write an informative story (a story with facts) using Pilgrims and Native Americans as our topic.

Last Friday I sent home the November and December book order fliers.  There are some wonderful titles available if you are interested in ordering.  These orders will be sent in at the end of the day tomorrow (Friday the 21st).  If you choose to order any of these and would like to keep them a surprise, just let me know and I can either wrap them in a paper bag to come home or we can find a time for you to come pick them up.

Since next week is a short week we are going to focus on learning about all things Thanksgiving.  We have some fun activities planned for the week so I look forward to sharing with you some great photos.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving break!

Friday, November 7, 2014

This Week in Review

Whew!  What a week.  This has been a difficult week with behavior in the classroom.  We have stopped and spent some time reviewing what would be considered "paw pride" behavior and also talked about what it should look like as well.  As always, it is a work in progress.  To help with this, the children have started earning stamps for their clip position at the end of the day.  If a child ends their day on green, they will receive one stamp, blue receives two stamps, purple is three stamps, and off the chart is equal to four stamps.  When each child has filled up their chart they will have the chance to earn a prize from me.

Conferences are all set and scheduled for Thursday.  I look forward to speaking with all of you.  When you arrive at school, just let the front office know you are here for conferences and they will help direct you to where we will be meeting.  Thank you in advance for taking time to come in to meet with me.  I enjoy getting to share with you our many accomplishments!

So this week in class we have been working on adding pages to our stories during writing time.  Instead of using just one page for a story, I have the children take a new page each time they write a sentence.  When their story is complete, I staple their book together and we share the books in the classroom.  Keep having your child practice spelling words at home.  A lot of the children are struggling with wanting to try to spell words on their own during class time.

During centers, we are staring to talk about Thanksgiving.  We have worked on a writing about things each child is thankful for (these are really cute!), we are staring to talk about the Pilgrims and Native Americans and we are going to continue to work with this topic next week.

I talked to the class a little bit on Friday about our math time block.  Starting  Monday, Kindergarten will be switching classes for our math time.  Some children will have either Mrs. Trammell or Miss Fernkas for their math teacher and some children will continue to have me as their math teacher.  I have sent home an envelope with your child today that explains this in more detail.

Have a great weekend!